Finding discount auto insurance rates is easier than ever these days thanks to increasing competition among insurance companies with the proliferation of low-cost, limited-service, or primarily online insurance companies that have undercut the traditional full-service providers. contact us @ /
These competitive pressures have in turn forced these more full-service companies to offer discounts and low-cost policies of their own, lowering the cost of car insurance in for many Americans. However, finding the best discounts while maintaining an adequate level of service and coverage can be a challenge.
Ask Your Provider About Discounts
Today, traditional insurance providers like Allstate and State Farm as well as more direct sale alternatives like GEICO and Progressive all offer dozens of discount options that can shave anywhere from 20 to 60 percent off a given policy’s “sticker price.”
These discounts include breaks for maintaining a good driving record free of major accidents or tickets; getting good grades, if you’re currently enrolled in school; and installing safety and security devices in your vehicle like aftermarket steering-wheel locks and fog lights.
Not all of these discounts are readily available on each provider’s websites. Be sure to ask your insurer about each and every discount that they provide, especially if there is a certain demographic or driver group into which you believe you fall. If you drive your vehicle much less than the average driver, you should call your provider directly to see if you can craft a low-cost policy that accurately reflects your driving habits.
Look For New Discounts
Traditional and full-service discount providers have in recent years demonstrated a greater willingness to tailor their policies to their individual customers. No single insurance product better exemplifies this trend than Progressive’s Snapshot system, a device that monitors drivers’ driving habits and miles traveled from its perch inside their vehicles.
After recording a wealth of information about each individual’s driving style over the course of several months, the device is returned to the company’s pricing department where it is used to create a customized policy. Cautious drivers enrolled in the Snapshot program can save anywhere from 30 to 50 percent on their insurance premiums; aggressive drivers will see little in the way of savings.
For more tips, read our article on the 3 Top Car Insurance Discounts.
The Low-Cost Online Insurance Option
Another major alternative for drivers seeking discount car insurance companies is the bevy of low-cost providers that keep their costs low and pass the savings on to their customers. Most of these companies maintain a limited physical presence, directing potential clients to their websites instead. To get a quote, you’ll have to fill out an online form.
Low cost providers like The General and Esurance may be able to shave another 30 to 40 percent from the typical driver’s premiums at other carriers. Most people hold these policies for years without complaint, but the level of service is definitely an important factor when purchasing coverage. The last thing a drivers wants is to have trouble having a claim serviced or paid as this is the reason drivers purchase insurance in the first place.
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